Jill Mynarcik Art

My Story
Being a self taught artist requires risk. The courage to put your work out there as you're learning. Knowing it will be judged when you are only creating the pieces for the hell of it. 2010 was the year I felt Unapologetically American and began doing the flag series. After completing 25 flag pieces, a gallery owner reached out and offered to do two one man shows for this series. Wilder Nightingale Fine Art Gallery in Taos, New Mexico was the art's new home. Hundreds of works have ensued. It has been a wildfire of fun and a fruitful journey. The devotion to amusement has grown into a more serious endeavor that's full of passion and a growing dedication to improve and be challenged.

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My thoughts.....
Real Opportunity Lies Outside Your Comfort Zone.
A motto that I have lived my life by, and exploring art is just another way.

Even though Mixed Media methods are as old as art itself, there is somewhat of a Mixed Media Art Revolution happening right now. Artists are not restricted anymore as we have so many mediums available to us. I like to try new things, different mediums and methods and you will see that reflected in my art.
"Take the risk or lose the chance". Jill